Friday, June 29, 2012

A Weekend Away

Last Friday, I did a very difficult thing...I left my baby girl for the weekend. Although I did shed a few tears while I was packing up her bags, I knew she'd be in good hands. And of course she has a great weekend with my coworker Kim and her family! I don't know if she missed us at all :)

Then Saturday morning, we flew to Kentucky with Sam and Jenny for Brian and Karly's wedding. The short flight was in a, to quote myself "tiny ass plane," but the ride was thankfully smooth. Then we rented a car, and made the drive to Jasper, Indiana. We made many jokes about how small the town was, but it really was a cute place...but I defiantly wouldn't want to live there. The outdoor ceremony was sweet, despite the heat. I was very thankful that Sam and Jenny came too, because Jenny is pregnant and due in December. So her and I sipped on water, while the boys bellied up to the keg of beer. We also had a good time meeting Mike's girlfriend and catching up with them.

Brian and Karly were of course adorable! We're so happy that our friend Brian found someone who fits with him so well. Karly was gorgeous in her lace wedding dress! After dinner there was dancing, corn hole, and hanging out. Karly never left the dance floor, and Brian ended the night rapping :) Overall, it was a wonderful wedding, and I'm really glad we went!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


We have had a busy last couple months! But with the last day of school behind me, I'm hoping to get back on track with the blog and laundry and grocery shopping and...

So the big news in our little home is that we're expecting another crazy adorable baby! Although this new little one is earlier in our timetable, we're excited. Ok, I have to admit I wasn't thrilled when I first saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test. I kept telling Tim, "Oh my gosh! We're going to have two kids THIS Thanksgiving. We're going to have two kids THIS Christmas!!" Although I had some restless nights, God and I talked it out and I told Him that this one must be really great in order to come earlier than I was ready ;) So we're all on board, and baby #2 is due to arrive on November 18th.

Our first born, Elliot the Adorable (most of the time), had her 15 month checkup last week! Our big girl is 32 inches tall (95th percentile) and I think 26 pounds (75th percentile). She continues to eat everything in sight, but still loves fruit, especially blueberries. Elliot says a couple words: Mama, Dada, ba (ball), dain dew (thank you), uh oh. She also signs "please" "sleepy" and "eat." Now before you're impressed with "please," I have to let you know she says it for everything. Elliot thinks that if she signs please, she gets what she whatever wants. She is constantly amazing me with what she remembers! Elliot knows the covers & spines of all her books and where they go one her bookshelf. They other day, Tim & I were singing "You are my sunshine" to her, and Elliot immediately went over and picked out the "You are my sunshine" book and handed it to me!

My latest confession: My child has watched Disney Jr. I know kids aren't supossed to watch TV until 2, but when Mommy is nauseous and needs a break, sometimes Micky Mouse Clubhouse brings a little bit of sanity to the day. Elliot only really watches it in the beginning and the end when the songs play so she can dance.She LOVES their "Hot Dog" song at the end!

What's next? Well, Tim & I are headed off to Indiana for our friends Brian & Karly's wedding, while my wonderful coworker Kim watches our sweet girl. I'm nervous about being away from Elliot for longer than a night, but I know she'll be in good hands. So after the wedding, I hope to have more pictures and posts to share :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Big girl!

I know I know, it's been awhile! So while I'm sitting in the midwife office waiting for my latest appointment, here are a couple pictures of our big girl :) Hopefully I'll post this weekend about baby #2 and what the Reynolds family has been up to...