Saturday, March 30, 2013

Perfect Saturday!

Today was a great Saturday! After the kids woke up from their naps, we all went outside to take advantage of the gorgeous weather. It was sunny and 60 degrees! Basically swimsuit weather!

We walked down to the village and first made a stop at the library. We returned some movies & then read a couple books. Elliot checked out a book about ballerinas, which is her newest obsession. She still loves princesses, but now she loves doing ballet around the house :)

Then we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Guapo's, to have lunch/dinner. If you've ever come to visit us, it's basically a given that we'll be takin you there. Before we left, Elliot decided to do some pirouettes around the restaurant. Next door is our favorite self serve frozen yogurt place, so we had to indulge to celebrate the beautiful weather.

Finally, we went to the park to let Elliot run off her frozen yogurt. It's her favorite place aside from 7-11. Tim humored Elliot and ran around the park and attempted to go down the slides with her :)

It was a wonderful way to celebrate God's beauty in nature during this Holy week! I hope you have a great Saturday too and an excellent Easter tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Elliot!!

Elliot turned 2 on Feb. 24th! Can you believe it?! My sweet baby girl is now a big girl! I get teary eyed every time I think about it....

So moving on :) We celebrated Elliot's big day with a Purple Party! Elliot's favorite color is purple, so it was the perfect theme. While she was napping, I decorated the house with purple balloons, streamers, pom poms, and more!  We served purple treats and candy for our small guest list. After working feverishly to get it all set up, the big reveal was ready! Tim and I dressed Elliot in her party dress (she calls it her princess dress and wants to wear it every day) and walked her out of her room to see all the decorations. Usually Elliot "oohs and aahs" over a new picture frame, let alone a whole house decorated! Well unfortunately the big excitement that we expected wasn't there. As I feared, Elliot was too nervous about the people who were there that she didn't notice all the festivities.Thankfully after her usual 30 minute grace period, Elliot was running around and laughing hysterically like a normal two year old birthday girl :)
Here is a picture of the treats table (notice the little girl in the bottom left corner eying the goodies)

After playing with her princess balloon (it's deflated form is still a big hit) and the guests, it was time to open presents! Elliot had been very patient but we didn't have to ask twice. She torn through the wrapping paper and ribbons like a pro! Every gift was a hit :) She especially liked her Sophia the First book. This is a tv show on Disney Jr and Elliot loves it!! We have all the episodes saved for emergencies and bribery (yes I'll admit it).

After presents, it was time to sing "happy birthday" and eat the purple treats! Elliot did not enjoy everyone singing to her, but she did enjoy eating the homemade cupcakes :) She really liked the purple edible sparkles on top!

I'd say it was a great day! Filled with lots of love...and sugar, perfect for a two year old princess! A big thanks goes out to Jenny, who tried to capture the day and the elusive Elliot smile (she won't smile for a camera anymore).

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3 Months Old...a month ago...

As I was taking Aaron's 4 month pictures, I realized that I never posted his 3 month pics. Oops!
So we didn't have a 3 month well visit, but here are some of Aaron's stats from February:
-He now where 6 month clothes! I had to hit up a Carter's clearance section in a hurry to find him clothes that were appropriate for the season. All we had were warm weather clothes. Obviously we were not expeciting a chunky baby :)
-Tim & I affectionately call him "Chunks."
-He has gorgeous blue eyes and full wavy hair that earns him lots of compliments from the ladies ;)
-He loves his big sister! He laughs and smiles at her all day, unless she becomes a little too affectionate and squeezes too hard. Don't worry, he'll toughen up!
-His umbilical hernia is gone! Praise the Lord! Slowly it started deflating and now he is the proud owner of a normal inny belly button.
-He still only sleeps one 4-5 hour chunk at night.
-HE WON'T TAKE A BOTTLE! Those of you who are moms, understand how FRUSTRATING this is, especially when he used to be fine with it. Now I have to tote Aaron around with me wherever I go, because he won't let anything feed him but the boob. Tim watched him during Elliot's nap time so I could have the luxury of going to an eye doctor appointment alone. He apparently screamed for a good while and then fell asleep in frustration. Needless to say, we have tried every bottle nipple created half a dozen times and will continue this tango from hell until the baby boy concedes. (Can you tell I'm not too happy about it...)
-He is still my little snuggle bunny who I love to kiss on his big chubby cheeks :)