Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monthly Dr. Appt

On Wednesday, I went for my monthly checkup. So far so good! The midwife said all my blood work came out normal and the overview from the sonogram was perfect. They bumped up the due date up to February 27th, which is only two days sooner. Our little one's heartbeat was strong and high again. I told her about how I thought we were having a girl earlier, because the heart rate was consistently high (160s). She said she agrees that it tends to be the case. As Tim says "There's something to those old wives' tales." I am also much bigger this month. Most of it is belly, but also indulging my cravings doesn't help. So I'm hoping my new prenatal yoga classes will put me back on track, and the colder weather is also encouraging us to take longer walks.

I'm sad to report, that I think fall is on its way out :( The leaves have decided to stop changing, and I think with the next cold front, they'll all be gone. Hopefully, I can still get some last pictures of my favorite season.

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