Sometimes tummy time looks like this...
Sometimes it looks like this...But it usually only lasts about 10 minutes regardless of her attitude. And an attitude is defiantly something this little girl is developing. Elliot is a girl who knows what she wants (cuddles, smiling faces, a pacifier) and what she doesn't (Tim's chin if he hasn't shaved, touching her feet, and being naked). As Tim and I say, "She's turning into a real baby!"
Here are some of her new achievements:
- She is sleeping at night in 3-3.5 hour blocks.
- She eats one bottle a day of 1/2 milk and formula. (Sometimes it is just formula, because I am not a fan of pumping)
- She uses a pacifier to fall asleep, but not when she is sleeping.
- She can support her head and pick it up when lying down.
- She can stand up on both feet when you hold her.
- She smiles a lot, especially when you blow raspberries or stick out your tongue :)
- She is cooing more and more, and almost had a real laugh the other day.
- She likes to look at herself and me in the mirror.
- She is starting to pay attention to toys like rattles.
- She clasps her hands when sleeping and eating.
- She has finally grown out of her newborn clothes, and now wears 0-3months.
PS- Her eyes are still very blue. When I brought her to work, everyone said they would either stay blue or turn hazel. We'll just have to wait and see...
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