I know I've been bad lately about updating this blog...but blame it on Christmas preparations...
I just got over a cold, although I'm still a little stuffed up. Of course the worst of it hit while my IA was on vacation, so I couldn't take any time off. Being sick and pregnant SUCKS! You feel crappy and can't do anything to help it. Medicine? No. Steaming hot bath? No. Long naps? No because you have to pee even more because of the increase of fluids.
My cold is gone, but the
sciatica is back :( . It feels like someone stabs me in the butt and then slices down my leg. Ya, it's great. Tim has been wonderful helping me in/out of bed when it gets really bad. I'm hoping that I only have one or two bad days a week so I won't have to go to a doctor (pt, chiropractor, etc).
I had another appointment on Wednesday. I only gained 2 pounds, which is great because the previous months were a little high. Baby girl is doing well. The midwife even said that she was measuring a week early! They did the gestational
diabetes test, and hopefully that comes back all clear. From now on, my appointments are every two weeks instead of four!
Tim and I have his office Christmas party this weekend coming up. Today I went to find a dress. Did you know that maternity clothes are crazy expensive? I did not want to spent $120 on a dress I would wear once, so I ventured to the regular
women's department. I found a dress in a size 10!!! I am 7 months pregnant and fit in a size 10 dress! I was beaming in the dressing room, and
immediately called Tim. Anyways, hopefully I'll have some good pictures to share from the event :)