Friday, February 18, 2011

38 weeks & 5 days

So obviously she has not arrived yet... here is a recap of the 9th month
  • Two weeks ago, the midwife thought we would go a couple weeks early. I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced.
  • Last week, the midwife said that she had turned and was now posterior. This means that she is face up (which means harder labor) and went back higher in the pelvis. She recommended that I get into the hands-and-knees position whenever possible to try to flip her. And to sit up straight, no reclining, so she would stay in the right position. I also had not progressed anymore from the previous week.
  • This week, the midwife said she turned back (yay!) and had moved farther down in the pelvis. I was also now 2 cm dilated and more effaced.
So we wait. Every weekend we have high hopes that she will arrive, only to be reminded that we are not in control. Although I am leaving it up to God, I am not holding back on letting him know that we are so very ready :) Last Sunday, Tim and I tried 4 tactics to try to pave the way for her arrival. First we took a long walk, then we got spicy Thai food, then I got a pedicure (with extra massage), and I ended the night eating pineapple. After all that she sure was moving, but no productive contractions.

How am I feeling? Heavy! I have the usual preggo aches and pains, but now swollen lower legs and feet to add to my pathetic groans. Each time I walk down the hall to the bathroom at school I think, "Man, this is such an ordeal!" So I'm taking Monday off (it is our snow make-up day) to rest and ease the swelling, and give Little Miss and the Lord the subtle hint that I'm ready whenever they are :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Picking up the pace

So this week was spent picking up the pace in the anticipation for an early arrival by Little Miss. The car is packed with the car seat, two pillows, nursing pillow, and our suitcase. My sub plans until June are almost complete. The mountain of laundry is done. And some other things that I can't think of...

Tim really wants this girl to arrive! The whole aspect of planning for the unexpected is killing him. On Friday, I caught him several times just staring at me trying to will her to come out. He made me get on our elliptical machine in hopes it would bring on contractions...which it didn't. On Saturday, we went with some friends to a comedy club. We all joked that maybe all the laughing would help induce labor...which it didn't. Today we walked to the village for lunch, which is a long walk for a 37 week Preggo. Tim hoped the walk would bring on contractions like last week...which it did, but not ones that count.

I decided she can come anytime after Tuesday night, we'll see what she has planned. Monday, I have two big meetings at school. And Monday and Tuesday I have to give a state test to all my ESOL kids (11 students). Our AP arranged for someone to cover my class while I give the 45 minute per student test, so we can get it done before I leave. My coworkers have been so amazing with the whole pregnancy, and especially since the time table has moved up!

Tuesday, I have my dr appointment so hopefully I've made some more progress :)
I think after Tuesday, we're going to be walking to the village almost every day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sooner rather than later...

Today I had my 36 weeks exam. The midwife and I talked about the usual "so how are you feeling?" I told her that I thought I was feeling contractions the last two nights. She casually did an exam, and then looked at me really surprised. "Your due date is the 27th right?" she asked. "Yes" I slowly answered. Well it turns out that I'm already 1 centimeter dialated and 50 % effaced!!! She said I could go into labor in one day or two weeks, but I will definatly go before my due date!

Needless to say, Tim and I are a little freaked out but a lot excited. We quickly ate dinner, packed our bags, and ran through our registries and picked out some essentials I will get tomorrow. Tim and I decided that she needs to hold out until Valentine's Day. Wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet Valentine's baby girl? And Tim said it will make it easy on her boyfriends because they can combine gifts :)

So, we'll see how many posts I get in before she arrives...