Thursday, April 28, 2011

2 Months

Little Elliot hit 2 months old on Easter! Here are some stats from her well baby appointment:
  • Weight: 9.8 lbs
  • Length: 22.5 in (Dr said "She's long and lean. What more could a girl want?")
  • Head cir: 15 in
  • Smiles a lot, especially at Mommy and Daddy
  • Coos when you talk
  • Enjoys standing up
  • Loves to be outside and go on walks
  • Still hates the car
  • Still does not like being naked or changed
  • Loves to eat, and still on a 2.5-3 hr schedule
  • Sleeping in 3-4 hr stretches at night
  • Wants to be held ALL the time

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Little Easter Bunny

Our friends Jason and Laura spent a week with us! We had so much fun catching up and playing lots and lots of games. Laura is 5 months pregnant so it was fun to swap preggo stories and delicately share Elliot's birth. They were wonderful guests! They helped do dishes and took Brinkley for walks. Brinkley was very sad when they left (back to being second best). Here is a picture of them while we played Risk. Notice how Brinkley has adopted them...and for some reason Elliot looks really tiny.
While they were here, we celebrated Easter. We all got dressed up and went to a Presbyterian church I really like. They had a wonderful reception before each service. So we snacked on danishes and quiche, filled up on coffee, and then headed into the sanctuary. Elliot did great during worship (even with the trumpets), but I had to take her to the Mother's Room because she was hungry. Thankfully, we were able to rejoin everyone near the end of the service.

After we returned home, we all dug into Elliot's Easter basket. She let us eat the candy while she enjoyed her little bunny rattle from Nana. We all changed clothes and Elliot wore her "My first Easter" outfit. Thank goodness I got her out of her nice dress, because soon after she had a HUGE poopy diaper!

Tim and Jason fired up our new grill and made amazing ribs. The weather was also incredible! It was a perfect sunny Easter to praise the Lord with good friends and family!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Update In Pictures

Elliot is growing so much that I feel like I need to update every day! Here is an update in pictures :)
This one was actually taken awhile ago...
Our friends AK and Tina came over with their little girl Janine. She is 4 months older than Elliot, but they are a lot alike. I think Elliot found her bff!
Daddy and baby out for a walk...
Sweet little smile!
Big silly smile!
Elliot turns two months old this week, and her well baby appointment is on Monday. So I'll have lots to post soon!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tummy Time?

We've started doing daily tummy time with Elliot. She received a nice think soft blanket from our friend George that we use on our wooden floors.
Sometimes tummy time looks like this...

Sometimes it looks like this...But it usually only lasts about 10 minutes regardless of her attitude. And an attitude is defiantly something this little girl is developing. Elliot is a girl who knows what she wants (cuddles, smiling faces, a pacifier) and what she doesn't (Tim's chin if he hasn't shaved, touching her feet, and being naked). As Tim and I say, "She's turning into a real baby!"

Here are some of her new achievements:
  • She is sleeping at night in 3-3.5 hour blocks.
  • She eats one bottle a day of 1/2 milk and formula. (Sometimes it is just formula, because I am not a fan of pumping)
  • She uses a pacifier to fall asleep, but not when she is sleeping.
  • She can support her head and pick it up when lying down.
  • She can stand up on both feet when you hold her.
  • She smiles a lot, especially when you blow raspberries or stick out your tongue :)
  • She is cooing more and more, and almost had a real laugh the other day.
  • She likes to look at herself and me in the mirror.
  • She is starting to pay attention to toys like rattles.
  • She clasps her hands when sleeping and eating.
  • She has finally grown out of her newborn clothes, and now wears 0-3months.
Elliot is going through a growth spurt, so I can't wait for her 2 month appointment at the end of the month to see how much she has grown!! Elliot is still a little peanut, but she is hitting all her milestones on par or ahead. One of my co-workers said that she is "small but mighty." So Tim and I have started calling her Mighty Mouse :)

PS- Her eyes are still very blue. When I brought her to work, everyone said they would either stay blue or turn hazel. We'll just have to wait and see...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lots of Love

Last week, Tim's mom came to visit for about a week. It was the first time she met Elliot and stayed in our new house. We had a great time with her walking to the village for coffee and showing her around the neighborhood. Unfortunately, it was pretty cold during her most of her visit. However, on Monday it was 70 degrees and gorgeous! So we all walked to the village for an evening frozen yogurt treat. Here are some pictures from our walk:
My good friend Alexis was also in town last week with her boyfriend, Brian. I only got to see her one afternoon because our scheduled didn't match up well. But I loved the brief time we hung out! Here is Alexis and Elliot:
My favorite part of the whole week was on Sunday, when Tim and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary! Tim's mom babysat for us and we ventured out for 4 whole hours! We started out with champagne and appetizers at a wine bar. It is one place a really missed while pregnant and not drinking. Then we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Carlye, for a wonderful dinner, drinks, and dessert. It was so nice having alone time with Tim and talking about things other than feeding schedules and chores. It is amazing to me how our love for each other continues to grow stronger with each new chapter of our lives. When we celebrated our anniversary last year, we were in the middle of some confusing and trying times. Tim and I are so thankful for how the Lord has blessed us in some many ways! We both agreed that we're going to have to take advantage of all the babysitting offers we've received and go out more often as husband and wife. It was nice though coming home to our sweet baby girl :)