On Sept 24th (I'm still catching up on the posts), Elliot turned 7 months old! We don't have a dr visit this month, so I don't know her stats...but she's still our long & lean girl. Here some new developments:
- Her two bottom teeth are about a third of the way out. This mean I will probably stop nursing her soon...no explanation necessary.
- She sucks on her thumb occasionally but still wants nothing to do with the pacifier, which I'm told is a good thing.
- She shoots, but not too much. She still prefers to roll around.
- She says "mmm ma, ma, ma" when she eats. I have a feeling "Mama" might be a first word ;) Sorry Tim.
- She gets slap-happy at night right before bedtime. So that's when we get some really good laughs out of her!
- She loves any kind of food she's given and always squeals for more. Except store bought baby food. We forgot to make a new batch of her food, so I had to use my emergency stash of Gerber baby food. So gross! The whole time she was looking at me like "Really Mom?! This is supposed to be bananas?!"
- She is holding on strong to the 4:30 am feeding. I have a feeling another round of Cry it Out might be in store (cringe face).
- She loves daycare and hanging out with the big kids.
- She is over her stranger anxiety, thanks to daycare, and will let people hold her again.
- Her favorite restaurant is Guapos, THE best Mexican restaurant which happens to be in our village that we walk to. She loves all the lights and bright walls.
PS-Today, Oct. 5, marks Elliot's first real cold. She has a little cold with some conjestion a couple weeks ago, but this one was accomponied by some feverish nights and fussy days. So with some good advice from my friend Brittany, and hopefully the dr tomorrow, Elliot will be well again soon!
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