I was looking at our blog, and realized that Elliot is going to turn 11 months before I even get her 10 month photos up! So here is our little girl at 10 months....
Elliot has always been a wiggle worm (even in the womb), but now she is wiggling all over the house! She decided not to crawl, instead she scoots around on her bottom or slides around the hardwood floors on her belly. She is starting to get into drawers and cabinets, so we've begun to baby-proof our house. Elliot is also not satisfied just sitting still, so this months pictures were a little difficult.

Elliot LOVES books! It makes my teacher's heart glad :) I started building up her library of board books (hard books for babies) through my Scholastic book club points when I was pregnant. So now she has a wonderful library of teething proof books! She will not be satisfied unless we read at least three books in one sitting, and she insists on turning the pages. Elliot lets out a little squeal of delight when we begin to open a book. I love it! Her favorite book is still an ABC book, which I recite to her from memory if she is fussy in the car. The magic of books!

Elliot's love of food is finally starting to show. Tim fondly calls her his "Chunky Monkey." As you can see, she is starting to round out...especially her belly. This is a typical day of what Elliot eats: 1/4 cup of Yo Baby yogurt and 1/4 cup of applesauce and 1/2 waffle for breakfast, 1 cup of a pasta/peas/carrots/meatloaf mix for lunch, and 1 cup of whatever Tim and I are having for dinner. She also has 4 bottles throughout the day. We don't puree anymore, it's all finger foods. At her 9 month appt the dr said to feed her as much as she wants, so we do :) Elliot also currently has 2 bottom teeth, 2 top teeth almost all the way out, and 2 more up top that are making an appearance.

Tim commented this morning that he really loves this age! Elliot is turning into her own little person! Up until now she was on par with all her development and for the most part acted like every baby at that age. Now she is starting to do a lot of little things that not every baby does. One of my favorites is in the evening and you say "Aww, sweet baby," Elliot gives a little smile and rests her head on your lap or chest. She also does this to her baby doll and stuffed animals if you tell her to "Hug the baby." Elliot has also discovered a new pitch in her little girl screams! This we are not as excited about. She will let out this extremely high pitch scream when she is happy, mad, sad, or it's a Tuesday. Below is a picture of such a moment

We are so in love with this little girl! I feel so blessed to be her mom :)
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