Since Christmas, Elliot has had an on again off again relationship with a cold. It always starts off with runny nose, then a slight fever, more runny nose, bad cough, all wrapped up into sleepless nights. My good friend Brittany told me something very wise... "Always sleeping through the night doesn't exist." She pointed out that they will sleep through the night, then get a cold, sleep through the night, then get teeth...and so on. So I kept that wisdom in mind as Elliot threw up mucus and cough through the night. One night, thankfully a Saturday, she had to sleep on me while I sat up in bed so she could breath easier.
I am telling you all this because it is my poor excuse for not updating our blog. So I'm going to try to do a couple updates these next few days in between getting ready for Elliot's first birthday :)
Here are some 11 month updates:
- Since we went to the doctor twice last week, I was able to find out what she weighs. Elliot weighs 23 lbs!! She is now our chunky monkey :) Even the doctor commented on her weight gain! They said feed her, so I did.
- She crawls on one hand and one leg, which I'm trying to get a video of. I think she crawls this way so she can carry things around and move and the same time. Daycare says she is on the brink of walking :)
- She loves graham crackers and anything mom & dad are eating. Although Elliot still loves food, she has a big melt down at the end of every dinner. I think this is her dramatic way of letting us know she's done.
- She babbles/talks all the time! She uses hand gestures and voice fluctuation while keeping complete eye contact. Oh how I wish I knew what she was saying!
- When she's not sick, Elliot sleeps from 7:30pm-6:00am. And a 2-3 hour nap during the day.
- She sings and dances to the songs we sing, not the radio. And she loves songs with hand motions!

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