Monday, June 3, 2013

4 months, 5 months, and yes 6 months old

Aaron at 4 months old:
-18 pounds (82%), 24.25 in long(8%), & 17 in head (80%)
-So from those stats, we call him our Little Teapot...because he's short and stout ;)
-Loves to slouch! You'll see in one of the pics, he just want to hang out and kick his legs out.
-Started solid foods! Since he still wasn't on a good sleeping schedule, or taking a bottle, the doctor and I decided solids would be good. He started out with bananas and avocados, just like his big sister. It took a couple rounds before he realized what I was trying to force into his mouth was yummy! Now he's a big fan!
-He grabs at anything that comes within his grasp. Unfortunately, my hair is usually the victim to his tight fist.
-He is really enjoying toys, especially rattles!
-Still pretty happy and easy going :)

Aaron at 5 months old:
-Loves to yell and queal! Tim calls it his "raptor voice." He can get so loud that he sometimes wakes Elliot up from her nap! Oh little brothers.
-Currently sleeps in his car seat at night because he likes to be snuggled, and he's too big for the bassinet in the pack-n-play. While he's sleeping, you can see him nuzzle the sides like Mommy's there. 
-He tolerates tummy-time and is really good at rolling from belly to back.
-He loves to blow raspberries at us and say "ba-ba."

Aaron at 6 months old:
-20 lbs (91%), 26.25 in long (31%), 17.75 in head (92%)
-He wears 9 month clothes!!!
- I'm so glad he stretched out! But boy is he heavy!
- He's very strong even though he is on the chubby side. The nurse even commented about how she was so surprised by the strength in his thighs!
-He stills up on his own! This is always a welcome milestone because it makes playtime so much easier!
-He loves to jump and work out in his free standing jumper!
-Puts everything in his month and chows down. However, we're still waiting for those first teeth.
-He welcomes all new foods so far, but still loves bananas best! We sang him "happy birthday" for his half birthday and gave him bananas with a candle, just like we did with Elliot :)

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