While in the hospital, Tim and I realized that we were missing certain key items for taking care of Elliot (thermometer, monitor, etc). Thankfully our wonderful friends John and Jessee and my cousin Sam and his girlfriend Jenny, were up to the task of running to Babies R Us. It was so nice to have them over for a visit, along with my Aunt Nancy! Tim's old coworker also brought us a big yummy dinner! Everyone agreed that she was the cutest newborn :)

On Monday, Elliot had her first dr appointment. Tim and I loaded up the car and diaper bag and drove very slowly to their office. The dr said that Elliot was doing great! She said that I had "Super Milk" because she had only lost 2 oz from her birth weight. Our dr was so nice answering all our newbie questions and taking time to make us feel comfortable. Elliot looked a little Jondus, but her numbers came back good.

My mom was able to stay with us for the first week! She was a HUGE help! My mom took over Brinkley duties, cleaning dishes, de-cluttering Elliot's room, and a couple night shifts. She was wonderful in that I didn't really have to ask her to do anything, she just knew how to help and went right to it. My mom also watched the baby one afternoon while Tim and I went out to lunch and made yet another trip to Babies R Us ( I think we've been 4 times in 2 weeks).
After my mom left, I started to get the Baby Blues. I did not see it coming and it only happened in the evenings. I felt myself getting weepy about the littlest things like singing "You are my sunshine" or watching a cute commercial. But I also would start crying when I thought about how much I missed Tim. In the first week, we really didn't have time for us and find our "normal" again. I really missed our evenings when we would eat dinner, talk, and watch TV. I didn't ever resent Elliot, I just really missed our old life that felt so far away. Thankfully, the Baby Blues are now gone!! As suddenly as it arrived, it left.
So week two met us with more challenges while Tim went back to work and I attempted life alone with the baby. We had another dr appointment which was basically a weight check. At that point she had only gained 1 oz, which surprised all of us. The dr advised us to feed her whenever she's hungry not worry about a schedule. Elliot heard this and decided to start eating every hour! This means little sleep during the day AND night. However the lack of sleep has paid off, because at the next dr appointment she gained 6 oz in 3 days! So now she weighs 7 lbs 4 oz, which still makes her a peanut :)
As we approach week 3, here are some things we're getting to know about our little girl...
- She likes to be sung to. Anything with a tune will do, including Tim's silly made-up songs.
- She loves to eat and has only spit up once.
- She tries to mimic us when we open our mouths or stick out our tongue. Right before she does, I swear she smiles!
- She loves to sit up with assistance and observe you and the surroundings.
- Most of the time, she does not like to be swaddled.
- She lets out some farts that are as loud as her dad!
- She hates getting a bath, or being naked.
- She doesn't mind Brinkley, although he's very jealous and ready for her to leave.