Elliot is also blooming as she starts here second month! I took her to her one month well baby visit on Friday. She's doing great! She weighs 7 lbs 14 oz and is 21.25 in long. It is crazy to think that she's a month old, but still the size of a newborn. She is our adorable little peanut :) Elliot is hitting all her milestones for this month and is very strong! Twice during tummy-time she has rolled over (which I think was an accident) and she holds her head up very well. Unlike her mother, she is not concerned about sleeping and likes to be entertained or observe her surroundings. However, Elliot is FINALLY starting to sleep in 3 hour stretches at night! She defiantly recognizes my voice, and is starting to respond more to Tim's voice. And her smiles now are connected to happiness, not gas. Everyday I am amazed and humbled that God has blessed us with this little girl to raise.
This week Mary, Tim's mom, and Alexis, one of my BFFs, are coming up to visit. So I will have a lot to post next week...along with hopefully some pictures of the cherry blossoms!
PS- We totally had snow this morning! Crazy huh?! It has now all melted away and warming up. Unfortunately, none of the pictures of Elliot turning out well. So just imagine a cute baby girl in a white fleece outfit sitting in 1/2 in of snow :)
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