On Wednesday, Tim and I took Elliot down to Florida! I of course was my anal self about traveling, and had everyone packed the night before. We had a car seat, stroller, diaper bag, purse, backpack, and 2 checked bags. This was difficult for Tim and I because we haven't checked bags in over 2 years! We usually travel light and pack well, but with Little Miss that wasn't going to happen. So that morning our dear friend Diana drove us and all our stuff to the airport. Elliot was AMAZING at the airport! Of course I wanted to get there really early for a number of reasons, and she slept until we got to the gate. Then she charmed everyone on the plane until take off when I started to nurse her. She didn't seem bothered by her ears popping and went right back to sleep.My dad greeted us and his new granddaughter at the airport and drove us home. This was the first time he met Elliot, minus the Skype dates. My mom basically jumped out of her skin when we arrived and quickly took over her grandmother duties by showing her off to her friends and neighbors. Then she showed Elliot her Disney toys. I mean, she had to have some Disney toys since we were in Florida! Winnie the Pooh, who sings, was a big hit and was smuggled back to VA.

On Thursday, we made the much anticipated visit to MY grandmother's assisted living center. I call her Abuelita ("dearest grandmother" in Spanish). She is pushing 100, and seeing Elliot has been her goal to live toward since last year...seriously. Abuelita could not take her eyes off of Elliot and even noted that "Elliot is adorable. Deanna wasn't that adorable when she was a baby!" Swarms of nurses, staff, and residents came to see the Prodigal Great Grand baby as my Abuelita beamed and held her gently. She made sure that everyone agreed that Elliot was the cutest baby ever :)

Thursday night, my parents watched Elliot while Tim and I had a date night and stayed at a beachfront hotel. It was the same hotel we, and many of our guests, stayed at during our wedding. We were so thankful to have that time, especially since Elliot gave my parents a hard time that night. Apparently she was gassy and didn't go to bed until 10:30 and the proceeded to wake up every 2 hours!!
Friday morning, I greeted the tired grandparents and baby, and drove my mom to work. That day, Tim and I hung out at the hotel with Elliot. We took a walk on the beach and played in the pool. I bought Elliot a sun proof body suit that is supposed to protect her like 50+ sunscreen. She also dorned her sunhat and sunglasses for extra protection and cuteness. Elliot was a little unsure about the pool and made sure to have a close eye on mom and dad. After a much needed nap by all, my parents met us on the deck for pick-me-up happy hour.

That night after putting Elliot to sleep at my parent's house, Tim and I joined some of my girlfriends for dinner. Jessica, Alexis, and Kim then took us bar hopping around downtown. We had so much fun catching up and reminiscing. Tim was a wonderful husband and friend the whole night :)

More to come...
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