Last Friday, Elliot turned 4 months old! She is growing and developing so fast that we can't believe it! But I guess I say that every month :) She is still long and lean at 11 lbs 14 oz and 24.75 in long. Elliot is the tallest 4 month old in the New Moms Group we go to. She is starting to take a regular nap in her swing. Now it's no secret that my child doesn't like to sleep. Since day one she's always been alert and wants to be a part of it all. So this regular nap is a BIG step, and now you can rejoice with me. Elliot entertains herself with her little gym, taggie blanket, and rattles. This preoccupation sometimes extends to the car, which makes trips more bearable! She giggles and smiles at other people now, especially babies. Her favorite baby is the one who lives in the mirror and enjoys talking to her often :) Elliot is still a big wiggle worm and uses that energy on rolling side to side and front to back.
The USB drive that holds my pictures is acting up, so I don't have the outakes of her 4 month pictures. But hopefully I'll have those up soon. In the mean time, here are links to two videos. They are both about 5 minutes long, so I understand if you don't watch the whole thing. They are posted on YouTube, but under a security setting. So copy and paste the link into your browser to access them, if you just search for them it won't work.
Elliot's baptism video:
Elliot trying rice cereal:
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