The beauty of fall has lasted longer than expected, and I'm soaking up every bit! Poor Tim is getting tired of me pointing out every splendid tree with vibrant red, orange, or yellow leaves. One of the trees in front of our house is finally changing colors to a burnt orange with yellow edges. Here are a couple of pics of my drive to work:

The nights and mornings defiantly require a jacket. The kids and I are getting used to putting on coats before we go outside for recess. Tim and I are trying out best to not turn on the heat. So far, we're doing well but I don't know if I can hold out through the next cold front. Until then, Brinkley and I snuggle up to stay warm :)

Today marks 25 weeks, although the below pictures were taken last week. Now Tim can feel Little Miss when she kicks and/or rolls around. Like the books say, she's especially active at night. This fun new activity means I'm more restless at night. The other night Tim said it felt like I was doing jumping jacks in bed trying to find a good position. I think a new firmer pillow might be in order. One thing that is easing my restlessness and aches is my prenatal yoga class. I love it! It is almost and hour and a half long with lots of challenging and relaxing moves. The instructor will even come around and rub your back and shoulders during some of the moves! Then we end each class will cookies a prenatal tea :) I go to my next dr appointment on Wednesday. I'm hoping to get measured, because I'm anxious to find out her growth from the sonogram a month ago. I'll update ya'll after the appointment. I really want to start moving furniture out of what will be the baby's room and into the guest room/office, but Tim says it's too early. I guess he's right, but I really really want to. Every day I walk past the room and think about where the furniture will go. Every other day I add more things to our registry and resist the urge to buy the crib and changing table. I think I'll hold out buying anything until December. Although yesterday I bought a purple newborn shirt that said in sparkles "All I need is love and my Daddy."

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