Friday, May 6, 2011

Week of Events!

Last week was filled with exciting events! Elliot is growing and developing so much it boggles my mind! It is fun to discover new things about my daughter that give me more of an insight to who she is. Right now she is smiling and cooing all the time (of course though not in front of other people). She loves when you making kissing sounds and raspberries. She is on the brink of a real laugh, and I can hardly wait! Elliot is still pretty strong and stands up with ease. Tim helps her practice walking every chance he gets. I know she's a long way off, but I'm not a big fan of this little girl walking before she crawls...
Then as the week developed, we found out that my cousin Sam, proposed to his girlfriend Jenny! He popped the question in Mexico, at the same resort Tim and I went to for our honeymoon. We are so excited for them and that she's joining the family :) She is so sweet and even made us a big lasagna dinner when Elliot was born. Well done Sam!

Then, I spent Friday morning watching the Royal Wedding. Although I was up early with Elliot that morning, I decided to dvr the day's festivities. So at 9 am, I settled into the couch with coffee in one hand, the remote in the other, and my little princess in my lap. I soaked in every moment, except some of the cheesy commentary which I fast forwarded through. I thought everyone looked amazing! William was so excited and cute, while Kate was calm and stunning. After the wedding, I watched every tv special I could find. I didn't want the day to end (a tad pathetic I know). From my couch in Virginia, I wish the new royal couple the best!
On Saturday, we went on a winery tour for Jenny's birthday. This meant being away from my baby for almost 8 hours! It was a big step, but I knew I could do it. It helped to know that she was safe at home with my Aunt Nancy. I was a little sad as we drove away from the house, but I was really excited to spend the day with my hubby. Tim and I had a blast! It is funny how wine quickly calms a new mom's nerves...

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