- She sleeps from 7:30pm-4:30am (9hrs) and then wakes up again around 6:30am! Major progress!
- She still eats every 2-3 hrs both boob and bottle. I would like to get her on a bottle for the morning and afternoon, and then breastfeed in the evening.
- We don't know how much she weighs because there isn't a 5 m. checkup, but she weighs about 14 lbs and wears 6 m. clothes (still long and lean).
- She rolls over from her back to her stomach and stomach to back, although she is not happy about it. She still cries if she can't flip back over in lest than 10 seconds.
- She plays/explores toys! We went to Target the other day to buy her age appropriate toys because all she had we stuffed animals and a rattle. But don't worry, she has a bunch now :)
- She LOVES to watch you brush your teeth! So weird.
- She hates the pacifier and wants nothing to do with it (which makes me sad), and now wants to suck her thumb instead.
- She talks a lot! Now when I say talk, I really mean yell. This girl is so loud when she babbles that she woke up the sleeping baby next to us at New Mom's Group!
- Her favorite book is still an ABC book that I bought at the grocery store. We read it every day. Her favorite page is M for mouth because it has an up close picture of a baby boy who she likes to flirt with.
Here are some outtakes from her 5 month pictures:
Zoolander Face:

"Chao Momma":

Happy baby:

Aanndd we're done:

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