Elliot has started taking 2 great naps in her crib regularly each day! She takes a nap at 11am and 3pm, and each is around an hour. Now of course we do have some hiccups in the schedule. Elliot made a liar out of me when my friend Diana came over to scrapbook. There I was bragging about how she sleeps for around 2 hours in her crib, and baby girl decides to start screaming over the monitor after only 30 minutes of sleeping. So I guess I
should say she
usually takes two great naps a day. Before last week, she would only have a good nap if I held her or she was in the Bjorn. Now I have the weight of a baby off of me, two free hands, and I don't know what to do sometimes with the extra time! It's Amazing!!! I didn't think I could, but I love this little girl even more :)
Tim leaves tomorrow for a guy's trip to Minnesota. Usually a bunch of couples get together, but we all had babies this year (crazy!) so only the 5 daddies are meeting up for the weekend. I am very excited for Tim to have some much needed guy time, but of course I'm going to miss him terribly. That's why I invited my mom to come visit for the weekend! She arrives tomorrow night and will be here until Sunday. I'm super excited to see her and for her to see how much Elliot's grown. We hope to have a fun and relaxing weekend...I hope you all have the same :)
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