This week is my last week as a stay-at-home mom. It is an emotional time. My wonderful husband has made it possible for me to stay home with Elliot for 6 months. I have loved every moment of these 6 months. It wasn't all sunshine and giggles, but it was memorable. That is the hardest part about going back to work, that I'm going to miss out on memories. Elliot does so many little things throughout the day that bring a smile to my face or make me laugh, and it makes me tear up even now thinking that someone else is going to see those special moments. Now I know that I will still get to see my silly baby girl and her quirks in the evening, but I still feel sad about it. I am hoping to save a lot this school year and start tutoring to earn extra money, so maybe I can stay at home again. My mom asked me, "But wouldn't you miss teaching?" Yes, I would. I would miss teaching the little kiddos how to read and how to be a good citizen, and being a part of that foundation that is their education. However, I would rather be at home with my little one and shaping her into an amazing little girl. And I know that women all over the globe make the difficult transition back to the working world, but that doesn't mean it is any easier for this little mom in her corner of the world.
It is going to be so hard to leave this face in the morning...

Looking on the bright side:
So there are some positives of our new stage of life. The pressure of getting ready for school has helped me put Elliot on a great feeding and nap schedule. Elliot will be 2 minutes from my school at an in-home daycare. She will be learning nursery rhymes and colors right along with the older kids, not just sitting in a bouncy chair all day with 16 other babies. Elliot will be well loved in a smaller (8 kids) setting. She loves other babies so I know she'll get the socialization that she needs. And best of all, I get to see the big smile on her face when I come to pick her up after school!
Something like this...

Tomorrow is Elliot's half birthday, so I'll try to get on the ball and have her 6 month pictures up this week :)
PS- We had a 5.9 earthquake today! So crazy! Tim, Elliot, and I were sitting in the office because Tim was working from home. We were chatting about the day, when all of a sudden we started to feel a slight rumble. Then out of nowhere, the ground started to move up and down and everything was shaking. My Midwestern husband put his tornado drill knowledge into action and rushed us into the bathroom (actually you're supposed to go outside). The whole thing was over in about 30 seconds. To be honest, with us living in the DC area, I thought it was a terrorist attack. Tim reassured me that it was an earthquake (who would have thought an earthquake would be the better option?!), and we turned on the news. 5 minutes later, CNN was announcing the breaking news. I cannot even imagine what a bigger one feels like! That was enough for me!
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