Wednesday, marked Elliot's half birthday! I cannot believe that our precious baby girl is already 6 months old! And 6 months from now she'll be a toddler! Whoa, I need to slow down.

So anyway, Elliot is developing beautifully at 6 months. She sleeps 9 hours at night, loves her dinner of solid food, and communicates with us frequently (squeals, babbles, and/or shrieks). Elliot is still a girl who knows what she wants and will not be fooled with a substitute. She especially knows that she likes food. Tim and I have been using some sign language with her for awhile now, and she always gets really excited when we do the sign for "food." Elliot has also decided that if you are eating, she must have some food too. This is why we have random piles of Cheerios around the house...which the dog appreciates too. Elliot's newest favorite food are frozen waffles. A friend recommended giving them to her to help her teething, and now she's hooked!

Elliot is still our long and lean girl. She weighs 14.9 lbs (25%) and is 26.5 in long (85%-90%). Elliot doesn't look very long, but once you get her to stand up she towers over all the other babies we play with. Elliot is also pretty strong, however she refuses to use her muscles to their full potential. She is fully capable of rolling from her belly to her back, but it is too much work so she screams instead. She can almost sit up consistently on her own, but she likes to spot where I am and fall towards me so I'll help her. Yes, Elliot is officially our adorable drama queen :)

Stranger anxiety is something she's recently developed (which isn't good since daycare starts tomorrow). She was always a little shy with other people, but now she refuses to let them hold her. This is was usually happens:
-Friend reaches out to hold Elliot.
-Elliot starts to look uneasy.
-Elliot looks back at me and starts the cry with her bottom lips sticking out.
-Since the friend obviously didn't get the hint, Elliot starts to cry with full lung capacity.
-Elliot goes back to me and she immediately stops crying, and gives the friend a little smile.
Usually after a few meetings, this game stops and Elliot is okay with the other person. But seriously, the girl already knows how to play us!

When I was pregnant, I would daydream about what my little girl would be like. I would obviously try to make her my girlie girl, but what would her personality be like. Elliot is everything I could have hoped for and more! We are so blessed to be the parents of a sweet and animated baby girl. Happy half birthday Elliot!

PS- I think I fixed it where you can leave comments. Thanks Kim!
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